The Consequences of Gambling


The consequences of gambling are observed on a personal, interpersonal, and community level. Those close to a gambler, such as family members, friends, or work colleagues, are negatively impacted by the behavior. The social and financial consequences of excessive gambling can range from homelessness to bankruptcy. Some people who gamble are unaware of their negative consequences. Fortunately, there are many ways to limit gambling and prevent its negative consequences. But before discussing these effects, it is helpful to first understand why gambling is so detrimental.


Often, adolescents with gambling problems view the activity as a way to cope with the stress and depression that plague them on a daily basis. While some youth do engage in criminal behavior outside of the home to acquire money, others borrow large sums of cash from loan sharks, friends, or family. As these situations become chronic, the adolescent’s preoccupation with gambling takes over their life. However, even these youths can have good days and bad days.


A recent study has explored the views of key informants in health, social care and other agencies, including the voluntary sector, about the harm caused by gambling. This study aimed to explore the perceptions of people working in these sectors and to understand what supports they could provide to help prevent gambling among adults. The findings highlight the challenges that gambling can pose for adults with a range of different needs, including physical and mental health. Listed below are some of the key points raised in the report.


A recent survey found that 40% of respondents reported that problem gambling impacts their communities, ranking it above other significant public health problems such as drug abuse, alcoholism, and depression. Communities of color, especially those with high levels of poverty, are particularly vulnerable to the negative effects of gambling addiction. Evidence-based legislation should support culturally relevant prevention programs. And while problem gambling affects both men and women equally, the negative impact is greater for minority groups.

Costs of gambling

Despite its positive impact on the economy, gambling does not come without costs. Problem gambling can cause severe financial stress, resulting in physical and mental illnesses. These can include chronic headaches, intestinal problems, and cognitive disorders. These illnesses can lead to losses in the form of therapy, Medicaid payments, and social services. Other financial losses may result from embezzlement and employee theft. These costs are not immediately visible. However, they can add up to a significant sum over the long term.

Social capital

Studies on social capital have examined how the introduction of casinos has affected local economies. Casinos in certain areas are associated with higher property prices and lower wages, and other living costs rise at a faster rate than average salaries. Other studies have shown an increase in social disorganization and deprivation, while some have found an increase in social capital. However, both positive and negative effects of gambling are linked to increased social integration, improved sense of community, and reduced social isolation.

Pathological gambling

In the DSM-IV, pathological gambling is a category of disorder, but its symptoms do not necessarily meet the criteria of schizophrenia. Pathological gamblers also show symptoms of other mental disorders, such as bipolar disorder, affective disorder, and kleptomania. These disorders can be characterized by the inability to resist certain behaviors, such as gambling. Pathological gambling is a common form of impulse control disorder, so the following symptoms are likely to be present in a person with this condition.