When you are bored, you might feel like letting loose by engaging in some form of gambling. This type of activity can be a self-soothing activity that provides socialization and an outlet for unpleasant emotions. Despite the many benefits of gambling, there are also a number of risks involved. These risks include social isolation, boredom, and negative societal consequences. So, how do you deal with gambling boredom? Here are some strategies.
Behavioral disinhibition
Researchers have examined the relationship between behavioral disinhibition and gambling. People who are prone to gambling or other forms of social dysfunction may be at increased risk of developing such disorders. The research is based on twin studies, which allow researchers to examine the role of personality traits in the development of such disorders. For example, a Minnesota Twin Family registry study examined the predictors of Type B alcoholism, a type of drinking that often involves antisocial behavior. The researchers hypothesized that genetics may play a role. They also found a strong relationship between lack of impulse control and the development of SUD.
In a recent study, Ginley and colleagues explored the structural relationship between self-reported impulsivity and gambling frequency in a sample of college students. These results indicated that behavioural activation and preference for stimulation correlated positively with gambling frequency and severity, while inhibition control had a weak relationship. However, the study’s findings may not be generalizable to the wider population of pathological gamblers. As such, further research is needed to determine if these factors play an important role in gambling.
Societal benefits
While a recent study has outlined the societal costs of problem gambling, it does not identify any specific benefits. These costs are a mix of direct, indirect, and intangible costs. In Sweden, these costs amounted to EUR1419 million in 2018, with direct and indirect costs accounting for nearly half of the total, and intangible costs accounting for nearly one-sixth. These societal costs may be much higher than the direct and indirect benefits of gambling, but the benefits are not the same.
Adverse consequences
Despite a growing body of literature, there is little clarity on the extent to which adverse consequences of gambling can be predicted. Few studies have examined the nature of gambling exposure, its relationship to gambling disorders, and the associated risks. However, the Gambling Commission commissioned a telephone survey in 2011 to examine gambling trends among young people. Researchers asked respondents about their gambling habits over the past four weeks and their attitudes toward gambling, crime, and trust.
Gambling addiction can be devastating to your finances, and it can tear your family apart. Problem gambling can also cause emotional distress in the home, and it is often the children who are the most innocent victims. Physical problems can also develop because of compulsive gambling, including ulcers, stomach problems, headaches, and insomnia. The addictive behavior is also highly susceptible to drug and alcohol abuse. Treatment is necessary in order to treat both the physical and emotional symptoms.